To achieve the SDGs by 2030, innovative and influential M&E practices that capture progress and learning in complex change processes are critical. Towards this end, ACEVAL, the Mexican Evaluation Society, with support from EvalPartners’ Flagship Program and Eval4Action campaign, launched a competition to identify and disseminate innovative M&E practices for the SDGs in Mexico and other countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. This initiative seeks to contribute to knowledge exchange, capacity building in M&E and increased visibility to the region's contributions to the practice of evaluation at the subnational, national, and regional levels.
The competition received 20 practices from six countries (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Nicaragua) including from a variety of organizations (subnational and national governments, NGOs, CSOs, foundations, academia, consulting firms and an international organization). These practices were evaluated based on their relevance, clarity, methodological rigor, innovation and use.
The winners of the award were announced on 18 November 2020. The jury was composed of evaluation experts from UNDP, EvalYouth LAC and the University of Guadalajara. The winners in each category are as follows:
1. Participatory, gender and/or human rights approaches for monitoring and evaluating the SDGs
Winner: “Evaluability Strategy for Sustainable Development”, State Government of Yucatán, Mexico
Honorary mention: ”Indicator 5.a.2 for the Agenda 2030: A methodology to help countries monitor and report on progress in protecting women's land rights”, FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean
2. Evaluations of an intervention that contributes to one or more SDGs, finalized in 2018 or later
Winner: Municipal Evaluation "How We Are Doing, Mayor?”, Cómo Vamos Nuevo León, Mexico
3. Evaluations of the contribution of an organization, a sector or a government towards one or more SDGs, finalized in 2018 or later
Winner: "Strategic Evaluation of National Climate Change Policy at Subnational Level", National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change, Mexico
4. Planning, monitoring and evaluation systems for the SDGs under implementation
Winner: “Sustainable Monitoring and Evaluation System 2030”, State Government of Yucatán, Mexico
Additional details are available in the (Spanish) video below. For further information, please write to eval.sdg@aceval.org